⚠️ Caution! Fragile Contents | Bulletin #98

THIS WEEK: Fragile history 🪟 Leading ladies 💡 and Something for your ears 🎶

Piran Aquarium 📍 Piran, Slovenia 📸 Elizabeth Hutchins

Funny to think that something as simple as a glass aquarium had to be invented, but up until the 1830s no one had figured out a solution to study live sea creatures up close. That is until one pioneering dressmaker was intent on researching the lifecycle of perplexing squid species. Jeanne Villepreux-Power’s discoveries were some of the most profound in her field at the time.

So why is this probably the first time you’re hearing of Jeanne’s achievements? Well, ironically most of her life’s work was lost to a shipwreck.


🏇 We’re Headed to Texas
🚺 A Few Phenomenal Females
🪟 Stained Glass: A Brief History
📻 For Your Listening Pleasure


We’re headed to the Lone Star State to hang out with our friends at Camp Fimfo. Making our way from Dallas to San Antonio with a special stop in Waco, we’ll be on the hunt for some AWA inspired places, and of course delicious BBQ. Got any recs for us? Let us know. Your suggestions make our trips!


Our very own Amanda Koval was featured in Secret London’s “Meet The Women Behind Some Of The Biggest Events” discussing all things London Exhibition. Amanda reminds us of one of the principles of AWA: “You don’t need to go to Antarctica to get a shot. You can walk around the corner from your house and find something interesting.” ❤️

In Case You Missed It

Today we’re exploring some lesser known female fables. From breaking barriers to becoming pioneers in their fields, these leading ladies deserve a round of applause.

🏰 A Castle Built by Linda
🎭 First American Woman-Owned Theater 
🎊 The Uncrowned Queen of Poland
🎨 Equality in Art School

We have another city joining the list, but we can’t tell you where just yet!

Cleveland Trust Company Building 📍 Cleveland, Ohio, USA 📸 Marjorie Becker

Glass is such a common occurrence that we don’t think twice about its creation, but like everything, it had its very own origin story. The history books often point us to an old Roman tale of shipwrecked sailors picking the wrong spot to light their fires. But what unfurled was a happy accident and beginning of a whole new art form…

Ponte Caldelas 📍 Ponte Caldelas, Spain 📸 Yamil Doval

Oftentimes, innovators conceive their grandest ideas in the humblest of domains. This was the case for Mamá Clotilde of Ponte Caldelas, Spain, who emerged as a pioneer of energy, and embarked on an entrepreneurial voyage to be the first to bring electricity to her town…

From the Community

French duo Bon Entendeur put together a Wes inspired music video for their new song Fio Maravilha. Along with the song being incredibly catchy, their music video had our interest piqued. And within their packed schedule of tours and a release of their newest hit, they’ve given us a chance to ask them a few quick questions about their craft!

This week we’re giving away something pink. Will this be your lucky day? Only time will tell 🎀

Anddd you may want to keep your eyes peeled for an extra special giveaway extravaganza. What’s the special occasion? Somehow we’re about to celebrate our 100th Bulletin Dispatch… Oh how the time flies. Tune in for 100 giveaways for our 100th Bulletin hitting inboxes April 25th!